This Samsung Galaxy comes with Android 4.4 Kit Kat OS and has a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor. It has 8GB of storage and 1.5 GB RAM Memory. It also gives you the option of adding 32GB of memory through a microSD slot and 50GB of free Dropbox storage. You can watch video in full HD with its WXGA display (1280×800 Resolution) and the tablet comes with over $300 of free content and services.
It received generous 4.4/5 star reviews from satisfied Amazon customers.
More Specs:
7″ screen with 1280 x 800 resolution
Clear, bright resolution for watching movies, surfing the Web, reading books and more.
Android operating system
Productivity and entertainment at your fingertips. Download apps, games, movies, music and e-books from Google Play. Cloud integration provides a seamless experience across all Android devices.
8GB internal storage plus microSD slot
Stores your music, movies, photos and more. Expand storage up to 32GB with a microSD card (sold separately).
Quad-core processor
The right combination of fast performance and power efficiency. It allows rapid multitasking, delivers smooth response and unleashes stunning graphics.
Dual cameras for photos and face-to-face chat
1.3MP front camera and 3MP rear camera with GPS tagging, built-in photo sharing options and panoramic shots.
Family-friendly settings for easy sharing
Multi-User Mode and Kids Mode keep your whole family’s music, games and apps organized.
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