This 23andMe DNA Test Kit provides 75+ online genetic reports for $100 (Reg. $150+)


As part of Prime Day 2018, Amazon offers the 23andMe DNA Test with Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service for $99.99 shipped. That’s $50+ off the rate it typically fetches and is the lowest price we have seen this year. This kit provides you with everything needed to test from home without the worry of incurring any additional fees, making it a great option. Rated 4+ stars by over 65% of reviewers.

23andMe DNA Test – Health + Ancestry Service:

  • Receive 75+ online personalized genetic reports
  • Understand what your DNA says about your health, traits and ancestry
  • Provide a saliva sample using our at-home kit and send it back. No additional lab fee required. Results ready in about 6-8 weeks

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