AcuRite’s Notos Pro color weather station tracks temp, wind, humidity, more at $75 (Reg. $130)

Reg. $130 $75

Today only, Woot is offering the AcuRite Notos Pro Color Weather Station for $74.99 Prime shipped, with non-Prime members being charged a $6 delivery fee. For comparison, this same weather station costs $130 at Amazon right now and today’s deal is the best price that we’ve seen in over a year. Designed to showcase outdoor temperature, humidity, and wind speed, this precision weather station also records and plots trends over the last 12 hours including barometric pressure. It also keeps record of daily, monthly, and all-time highs and lows so you can see what goes on right in your own backyard. Head below for more.

This outdoor temperature and humidity monitoring station has three different transmitters so you can monitor multiple parts of your property at one time. The remote sensors can be used inside or outside and have a range of up to 300 feet, making it quite versatile. Coming in at $50, you’re saving $25 over today’s lead deal, though losing out on things like wind readings.

You won’t want to miss out on the weather station deal that we found yesterday either. Made by Govee, it’ll monitor indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity for just $25. Coming in at $15 below its normal going rate, there’s only one remote sensor and no wind readings here, which is how it has such a budget-friendly price.

More on the AccuRite Notos Weather Station:

  • High-precision 3-in-1 wireless weather sensor accurately measures the temperature, humidity and wind speed
  • Daily, monthly and all-time high and low records
  • History chart displays temperature, wind speed and barometric pressure trends over last 12 hours
  • Illuminated color display with adjustable dimmer; electric-powered with optional battery backup
  • Easy setup and mounting

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