Home Depot discounts bObsweep + Roborock robot vacuums as low as $175, today only

Reg. $265+ From $175

Today only, as part of its Special Buy of the Day, Home Depot is offering a selection of vacuums on sale, including several bObsweep and Roborock models. Our favorite is the PetHair Vision Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum for $219 shipped. For comparison, it has a list price of $900 at Best Buy but has gone for around $529 at Home Depot and third-parties at Amazon have it listed for $290 or more. Today’s deal saves as much as $681 and is among the best pricing that we’ve tracked. The VisOn camera available here “captures a snapshot of its surroundings” and utilizes SLAM to plan cleaning paths that’ll hit your whole house. The app allows you to set schedules, control where it cleans, and see what’s up next. Rated 4.6/5 stars. Looking for something different? Head below for a few more of our favorites, but Home Depot’s landing page will have everything on sale.

Our favorite robot vacuums on sale:

Looking for a robot mop? Well, the iRobot Braava Jet 240 is a great option. It’s $180 at Amazon and you’ll find that it also connects to Wi-Fi so you can monitor its progress from your smartphone. At an appointed time, it’ll begin mopping your home, ensuring that your floors are always nice and clean.

bObsweep Pethair Vision Robot Vacuum features:

The smartest of our robot vacuums, Bob PetHair Vision’s advanced mapping navigation makes fetching fur a walk in the park. Bob’s VisOn camera captures a snapshot of his surroundings, and his SLAM-enabled computer cuts a path to cleanliness. Fur-free floors… now there’s a sight for sore eyes! Download the bObsweep app to set Bob’s cleaning schedule, control his movements, and see where he’s headed next.

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