The Orb outfits your home with Danish-designed, intelligent lighting


Smart lighting systems continue to grow in popularity, and while most are fairly standard designs, the Orb breaks the mold. Rather than being the typical lightbulb shape, the Orb features a disk-like design which not only lets you control the color and intensity of light, but also the direction. The light can be controlled with either the bundled dimmer switch, or with a companion app that provides more customization, and let’s you create and set new scenes. It also connects over Bluetooth Low Energy, which differs from other lighting systems that rely on an existing Wi-Fi network.

Right now, you can back the Orb over on Indiegogo starting at the early bird price of $158. If everything goes according to play, it plans to ship in December, which means there’s still plenty of time to order one and help the light reach its funding goal.

The Orb is our take on the next generation smart light: a beautifully crafted designer lamp with an intelligent control system, that brings a professional lighting solution to your home and it works right out of the box.

Unlike any other lamp, with the Orb you can control not only the intensity, and color, but also the direction. A combination not available through any other product on the market.

With Danish design at heart, the Orb isn’t just an intelligent lighting solution, but a beautiful light that will look stylish in any home.

Source: Indiegogo

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