Teleflora has last minute Valentine’s Day flowers for you ($20 for $40 Credit)


Valentine’s Day is only two days away, and it’s not too late to impress your special someone with hand-arranged flowers from Teleflora. Their bouquets will leave your loved one speechless and right now, you can get a $40 site-wide credit for just $20 at 9to5Toys Specials.

Take the stress out of driving to a florist during one of the busiest times of the year. Send your sweetheart a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from the comfort of your computer or smartphone.

Teleflora works with local florists in the US and Canada to make sure that your order of flowers presented in a vase gets to your desired destination on time. With a large selection of flower bouquets, centerpieces, and gourmet food baskets, Teleflora is your Valentine’s Day one-stop-shop.

Order Teleflora now to get $40 credit for just $20.

NOTE: This deal is for credit that must be redeemed on Teleflora’s website. The credit excludes delivery and service fees.

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