Walmart currently offers the Dremel 8100-N/8 8V Max Cordless Rotary Tool Kit for $40.83 shipped. Normally fetching $60, today’s offer amounts to 32% in savings and marks the best price we’ve seen this year. This Dremel rotary tool is a must-have tool for everything from cutting and sanding to engraving and more. The tool itself features an 8V motor which allows for variable speeds ranging from 5,000 to 33,000 RPM. Included alongside the bundled case to store everything else are various accessories to kickstart your at-home crafts. Rated 4+ stars from 60% of customers. Head below for more.
Alternatively, you could go with this TACKLIFE Cordless Rotary Tool for $24 at Amazon. While it’s not going to pack quite the same reliability as a brand name model like the featured Dremel option, it’ll handle quick jobs around the house in much the same fashion. It’s only half as powerful, but includes 31 accessories to help kickstart your DIY toolkit. Over 1,600 customers have left a 4.4/5 star rating.
But if your DIY kit is calling for some more heavy-duty tools, don’t forget that Amazon is still discounting a selection of DEWALT 20V MAX offerings. With price starting at $97, you’ll be able to lock-in 29% in savings on various drills, saws, sanders, and other tools.
Dremel 8100 Rotary Tool Kit features:
Get the job done with the Dremel 8100 Rotary Tool Kit. This special device is the ultimate go-to for people who are passionate about hands-on projects around the home such as finishing, intricate sanding, polishing, cleaning, engraving and more. The tool comes with a Dremel 8100 cordless rotary tool kit featuring eight different accessories for carving, sanding, detail work and finishing and a hard plastic case; it can also be used with all Dremel rotary tool accessories and most threaded attachments, for added convenience.
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