Yamaha Seascooter dives 100-ft. underwater + goes 2.5MPH for summer adventuring at $95 off

$95 off $450

Amazon is offering the Yamaha Underwater Seascooter with GoPro Camera Mount Recreational (RDS250) for $449.99 shipped. This is a $95 discount from its normal going rate and marks the lowest price that we’ve tracked since 2019. This underwater scooter can dive to a depth of up to 100-feet and cruise at up to 2.5MPH. With a runtime of two hours, depending on various usage factors, this will make your days at the beach even more fun. There’s an integrated GoPro camera mount to capture your underwater adventures, as well. Plus, you’ll find a removable buoyancy chamber that allows you to ensure it doesn’t sink in either salt or fresh water, depending on where you’re swimming. Rated 4+ stars from over 65% of happy shoppers. Head below for more.

On a tighter budget? Yamaha’s more budget-focused Underwater Seascooter is a great option. While bearing the same name, this model only goes 15 feet deep and travels up to 2MPH. Also, there’s no integrated camera mount and the battery dies after 1.5 hours. But, given it costs just $295, the savings here could be worth the trade-offs.

Speaking of vacation days and time at the beach, this portable printer discount that we found earlier today is a must-have travel accessory. It hooks up to your phone and can turn digital portraits into physical prints in just seconds. You’ll find up to 25% in savings available with prices as low as $72, so be sure to check out Justin’s coverage for more.

More on the Yamaha Underwater Seascooter:

  • Delivers a perfect balance of run time and speed. Rated to a depth of 100ft (30m) the RDS250 will cruise at speeds up to 2. 5mph (4km/h)
  • A run time up to 2 hours and the RDS250 is perfect vehicle for back to back dive days
  • Waterproof construction prevents accidental flooding is impact resistant heavy duty rubber hull protection
  • Control chamber (The RDS250) is designed for use in salt water. It will have less buoyancy in fresh water, and may slowly sink in fresh bodies of water

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