Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush for Kids hits Amazon 2020 low at $35

Reg. $40+ $35

Amazon is now offering the Philips Sonicare for Kids Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush in Aqua for $34.99 shipped. Matched as part of Best Buy Deals of the Day. Regularly up to $50 at Best buy, this model has gone for as much at Amazon but generally sells for closer to $40. Today’s offer is a new 2020 Amazon all-time low and the lowest price we can find. Along with its vibrant color, this brush connects to the free companion app to provide kids with rewards for brushing and tracking data for parents. This one trades the simple standard timer with a musical “kidpacer” chime to make sure each quadrant of the mouth is being focused on. The built-in “kidtimer” will automatically increase to 2-minutes in order to train youngsters the right way to do it as well. Rated 4+ stars from over 3,700 Amazon customers. More details below.

If your little monster isn’t quite ready for a full-on rechargeable model, check out the Amazon Brand Solimo Kids Battery Powered Toothbrush. This 2-pack comes in at under $9 Prime shipped with 4+ star ratings from over 720 parents. A pair of included AAA batteries will provide a light oscillation to help with overall dental care and ready them for the inevitable electric model they will likely start using soon.

Swing by Amazon’s discount personal care section for additional price drops and then head over to our home goods deal hub for even more offers for around the house and home office.

More on the Philips Sonicare for Kids Electric Toothbrush:

  • 98 percent of parents say it’s easier to get kids to brush longer and better with the interactive sonic power toothbrush
  • 91 percent of dental professional parents prefer Sonicare for Kids for their own children
  • Interactive free app educates and gets kids excited about brushing. Kids are rewarded for each successful brushing session while parents can track and monitor progress
  • The kidpacer musically alerts when to move to the next quadrant of the mouth to ensure a thorough cleaning; Voltage: 110-220 V

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