DiscountMags is offering 4 years of Car and Driver Magazine for $12 with free delivery. Opt for the 4-year subscription on this listing page and then drop code 9TO5TOYS down at checkout. Usually up to $20 per year at Amazon, it is currently on sale for $6 with auto renewals, for comparison. Today’s deal is roughly 4 years for less than the price of one ($3/year) and the best offer we can find by a longshot. From road tests and auto tech to racing, other sports and more, Car & Driver covers just about anything a car enthusiast could want. More details below.
As always, there are no auto-renewals, no shipping fees and absolutely no sales tax at DiscountMags. All of the magazines in your cart can be sent to a separate address with a personalized gift note should you choose to do so.
While we are talking reading material, you can still grab three months of Kindle Unlimited for FREE ($30 value) and here are the Amazon First Reads July eBook freebies (Reg. $6).
Car and Driver Magazine:
One of the more common features found in Car and Driver Magazine is the road test segment, which sends vehicles onto a test course. Drivers rate the vehicles based on performance in a series of different conditions, including driving in rain, on asphalt, and on the open road. The writers also review a variety of newer cars, providing in-depth descriptions of the interior, body, and other factors you need to know. The magazine even has exclusive deals with some manufacturers, giving the writers the chance to share news and information that others magazines cannot.
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