Monoprice’s MP Select Mini Pro 3D Printer returns to all-time low at $170

$200 $170

Amazon currently offers the Monoprice MP Select Mini Pro 3D Printer for $169.99 shipped. Also available directly from Monoprice. Usually selling for $200, today’s offer saves you $30 and returns the price to match the all-time low. Standout features on the Select Mini V2 include a heated 4.7 x 4.7 x 4.7-inch print bed and 100-micron resolution. This model is ideal for those looking to dive into 3D printing without shelling out big bucks for a more premium device. It might be a bit too late this year, but instead of sending out Christmas cards in 2020, leveraging this 3D printer will let you craft a more unique and festive way for family to celebrate the holidays. Rated 4+ stars from nearly 60% of customers. More details below.

A no-brainer way to put your savings to use from today’s sale is by picking up some different colored PLA filament. Spools start around $20 on Amazon, meaning you’ll be able to grab more than one and really take your creations to the next level.

Don’t forget that Anycubic’s Photon S Resin 3D Printer is currently on sale as well. This model is $80 off its usual price tag and now down to $389. Compared to the PLA model featured above, this 3D printer has a higher resolution.

Monoprice MP Select Mini Pro 3D Printer features:

We took the ease of use of the bestselling printer in the world and made it even easier. No longer will you have to chase the perfect bed level using hex keys and feeler gauges. The new auto bed leveling system allows you to spend less time getting that perfect print started. Simply navigate through the easy to use touch screen to automatically level your printer, select the part you want to print, and let the printer transfer your designs into reality.

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