Plague Inc. players can now save the world for FREE in ‘The Cure’

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Back in March, game developer Ndemic Creations announced Plague Inc. The Cure — an expansion to its popular plague simulation experience. At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, Ndemic decided it would turn the tables on its popular viral infection simulator to allow gamers to save the world from a deadly virus instead. Well, after months of focused development and working with some of the world’s leading health organizations, Plague Inc. The Cure is finally available for download. More details below. 

Plague Inc. The Cure

Plague Inc. —  a game once tailored towards allowing players to strategically infect the entire world with deadly pathogens — has now been updated with the new Plague Inc. The Cure expansion. In what the team calls a complete reversal from the base game, “players must try to save the world by controlling the global pandemic response” including hunting the disease down, controlling the outbreak, helping to support the economy in the meantime, and developing a vaccine. The free expansions make use of much of the deep strategic and simulation elements of the original experience, but with a focus on supporting health care systems, contact tracing, and well, much of the same stuff we are all going through in the real-world right now. 

The team worked closely with “world health and infectious disease experts from all over the world including the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI), World Health Organisation (WHO) and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).”

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Here are more details about the experience:

Can you save the world? Take control and stop a deadly global pandemic by any means necessary. Allocate resources to boost testing capacity, make facemasks compulsory, lock down countries or investigate experimental treatments in Plague Inc.’s biggest expansion ever!

Hunt the Disease: Dispatch research teams around the world to find patient zero, track the spread of the outbreak and support local responses.

Control the Outbreak: Implement measures such as contact tracing, lockdowns and border closures to limit the spread of the outbreak, whilst getting people to wash their hands and preparing hospitals to prevent them getting overwhelmed.

According to Ndemic Creations, Plague Inc. The Cure is available as a free expansion download from what appears to be inside of the Plague Inc app. It will “be free for all Plague Inc. players until COVID-19 is under control.”

9to5Toys’ Take

It would have been nice to say it took Ndemic too long to create The Cure and the real-world pandemic is now over. But sadly that is not the case. Plague Inc. The Cure is as relevant now as it was when it was unveiled earlier this year. Considering how well-rated the original Plague Inc. is — it is currently the #1 rated Strategy game on the App Store — and how much of the game’s original mechanics apply to the new expansion, The Cure side of things is likely just as interesting an experience. 

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