DiscountMags has now kicked off its weekend magazine sale. Dubbed the “Hot 100 Sale,” it features just about all of the most popular titles out there at up 65% off. Those include Wired, GQ, Men’s and Women’s Health, Bon Appetit, National Geographic titles, Esquire, and much more. Head below for a closer look and more details.
DiscountMags weekend magazine sale:
This weekend’s magazine sale promotion has most titles at just below $5 or slightly under the usual weekend sale prices. While it’s hard to go wrong here, one particular standout this weekend is GQ magazine at $4.95 per year with free shipping every month. Currently listed at $20 per year on Amazon, today’s offer is the best price we can find and a match of our previous mention. GQ “helps you look sharp and live smart.” It covers everything from revealing sports profiles and “intimate photos of today’s hottest up and coming actresses” to tips on fine food, drinks, and much more.
But be sure to browse through the rest of the weekend sale right here for additional deals at up to 65% off. But be sure to check out the mid-week offers for even better deals on Dwell and Architectural Digest. Then swing over to our Comixology deal hub for all of your graphic novel needs. You’ll find loads of Marvel and DC reads starting from $1 right here.
Lastly, here’s your August reading list for the best new books to pick up for the end of summer and the Amazon First Reads August eBook freebies.
More on GQ Magazine:
Men enjoy reading about the best styles and hottest up-and-coming trends, so you’ll love delving into GQ magazine to get your fix. Each issue provides something for every man, from sports to photos of models, so you can enjoy reading all about the current world. GQ magazine offers tips on fine food and drinks, so you can show off your knowledge the next time you head out to a restaurant or bar with a date, and the advice on fashion and grooming will have you looking good. With columns dedicated to answering questions about sex, style, and more, you’ll be ahead of the game in the world of romance.
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