Amazon’s Prime Book Box for kids delivers new reads every month at $17


Amazon is now offering its Prime members the first month of its Prime Book Box subscription service for $16.99. You’d typically pay $20 per month for a subscription, which is the rate it will auto-renew at after your first bundle arrives. Prime Book Box is Amazon’s latest subscription-based service that delivers a selection of books to your door each month. Each title is chosen by a group of experts from a selection of different genres. Of course, you’ll need a Prime membership to subscribe. In this time of social distancing, now is a great time to score your kids some new books at a steep discount. Learn more on this page.

We’ve seen our fair share of media deals in recent weeks with more time at home. Just today you can save big over at ComiXology on manga titles, plus a variety of magazines, including Real Simple and Make magazines. Check out all of the best media deals right here.

More on Prime Book Box:

Story time just got better with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers hand-picked children’s books every 1, 2, or 3 months. Discover new favorites that inspire a love of reading—new adventures await in every box!

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