Magazine subs from $4.50/yr.: Wired, Women’s Health, Bon Appetit, GQ, more


DiscountMags has now kicked off this weekend’s sale with some great Wired magazine deals as well as offers on Women’s Health, Bon Appetit, Popular Science, and many others. While the usual end-of-week sales tend to have the best deals around anyway, this weekend’s “Employee Discount Sale” drops the prices even lower than usual. Head below for a closer look.

Along with the aforementioned titles, the Employee Discount Sale also includes some great prices on Men’s Health, GQ, Us Weekly, GQ, and many others from under $5 per year. But you’ll want to take a closer look at the Wired magazine deals here. Now at just $4.56 per year with free shipping every month, you can lock this special price in for up to 3-years this weekend. Regularly as much as $30 per year, today’s deal is the lowest price we can find. It is currently on sale for $5 at Amazon with auto-renewals, for comparison sake. If you take the slightly more expensive Amazon route, just remember to cancel the sub before it lapses or you’ll get charged full price for another year.

Be sure to swing by our summer reading list for some new book ideas as well as our new guide to the best new cookbooks to pick up this season. You still have time to score the Amazon First Reads July eBook freebies and then head over to our ComiXology deal hub for all of the best graphic novel reads from $1.

More on today’s Wired magazine deals:

Wired magazine is a computer magazine devoted to readers who want to know more about that world. Every issue covers the newest and hottest electronic devices, giving readers an inside look at those devices before they hit the streets. From the hottest technologies to reviews of the best devices on the market, Wired magazine is a must-read publication for those interested in technology. Readers flock to Wired magazine because the publisher understands that readers want more than just another computer magazine.

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