Friday afternoon has now arrived and so has today’s batch of Android game and app deals. Alongside the Google Play offers, we have deals on Google Pixel Watch 2, this 14-inch HP Chromebook, and Samsung’s 44mm Galaxy Watch 6. But for now it’s all about the apps including The Game of Life, Charlie in Underworld, Fran Bow, Star Traders: Frontiers, and more. Head below for a complete look at Friday’s Android game and app deals.
Best Android apps and games on sale:
- Boom Land FREE (Reg. $1)
- The Game of Life $3 (Reg. $5)
- ScourgeBringer $4.50 (Reg. $7)
- The Sun: Key Of Heaven Shooter $0.50 (Reg. $1)
- The Sun Origin Post Apocalypse $0.50 (Reg. $1)
- Charlie in Underworld $1.50 (Reg. $4.50)
- Fran Bow $4.50 (Reg. $9.50)
- PDF Tools: Scanner & Editor $0.50 (Reg. $1)
- NoteLynX Pro Outliner Mindmap $1.50 (Reg. $3)
- Super Shortcut: Multitasking $0.50 (Reg. $2)
- Star Traders RPG Elite $1 (Reg. $3)
- Heroes of Steel RPG Elite $1 (Reg. $4)
- Star Traders: Frontiers $4 (Reg. $7)
- Templar Battleforce RPG $3 (Reg. $10)
- Cyberlords – Arcology PREMIUM $1 (Reg. $3)
More Android app deals still live:
- Diamond – Icon Pack FREE (Reg. $1.50)
- Castle Defender Premium FREE (Reg. $1)
- One Fish Two Fish – Dr. Seuss $3 (Reg. $4)
- The Cat in the Hat Comes Back $3 (Reg. $4)
- The Lorax – Dr. Seuss $3 (Reg. $4)
- Horton Hears a Who! $3 (Reg. $4)
- Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book $3 (Reg. $4)
- There’s a Wocket in My Pocket! $3 (Reg. $4)
- The FOOT Book – Dr. Seuss $3 (Reg. $4)
- Hop on Pop – Dr. Seuss $3 (Reg. $4)
- Dr. Seuss’s ABC $3 (Reg. $4)
- The Cat in the Hat – Dr. Seuss $3 (Reg. $4)
- Age of Pirates RPG Elite $1 (Reg. $3)
The Game of Life features:
Attend college, accept a job and play minigames in this interactive app that is fun for the whole family. Watch as board piece characters come to life and make their way through the various stages of life on this spectacular, 3D animated reworking of the familiar physical board.
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