Treat your Mom with a Teleflora Bouquet: Get $40 of sitewide credit for just $20


If you want to treat your Mom this Mother’s Day, sending her some stunning flowers would be a great start. Teleflora lets you pick out the perfect bouquet and get it delivered to her door. Right now, you can pay $20 to get $40 of sitewide credit via 9to5Toys Specials.

Teleflora works with local florists across the country to deliver beautiful blooms with tender loving care. The site has a huge range of bouquets to choose from, plus grand centerpieces, floral baskets, and more.

You can narrow your search by style, and even choose a bouquet that includes your Mom’s favorite flowers. Most bouquets come in a range of different sizes, and you can easily add thoughtful extras, such as a box of chocolates.

Your order is received by a local florist, who sets about handcrafting your Mom’s bouquet. The final step is delivery — your flowers should arrive on the big day in perfect condition. Along with making your Mom feel special, you’ll be helping out a small business in your community.

Head to the deal page to get your $40 of credit for $20 of Teleflora.

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